Cycle 7 - The Muscle Builder

Cycle 7 – The Muscle Builder

Cycle 7 - The Muscle Builder

When there was a cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union of Russia, astrophysicists were not the only ones who were busy trying to develop a better, bigger and more effective weapons and space programs than the other one.

Scientists during that time were also busy burning midnight candles trying to develop medicines and supplements that will help them create athletes that could take down the other one in front of the whole world.

Why am I telling you this story? That is because the maker of Cycle 7 testosterone booster, Image Sports is a direct descendant of the Soviet party during that cold war.

Cycle 7 is a natural non steroid, non-hormone muscle gainer, this was designed by Image Sports to help effectively build muscles, increase your strength and boost your bone density. The market calls the Cycle 7 “an Old School Soviet Inspired Anabolic”, although this supplement is completely legal and safe to take and is free from just a tract of steroids.

The ingredients of Cycle 7 show that is more of a muscle builder than a testosterone booster, part of its components is The Muscle Amino blend which is composed of two amino acids that promotes protein synthesis for an optimum muscle building and injury repair. Another featured ingredient is the Anabolic Matrix of Image Sports which is made up of Wild Yam, Mumijo, Rhodiola Root, VibernumSargeni and White Quebracho.

Cycle 7 has received a lot of great reviews from people who have used it, saying that it helped them build more muscle mass and encouraged them to push themselves further.


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