Pros and Cons of NORDICTRACK Commercial 2950 Treadmill

Pros and Cons of NORDICTRACK Commercial 2950 Treadmill

The new NordicTrack Commercial 2950 Treadmill is the top in its series and is better than ever with the integrations of the latest upgrades. This new and latest model by NordicTrack now uses a 15” HDTV along with a large touchscreen console that has 40 built-in exercise routines, Bluetooth heart rate monitoring and an option that allows you to download unlimited personal training exercises from iFit.

Just like the other treadmills, this one also has a cushioned track pad that is extra wide and is capable of an incline/decline position. But apart from that, there are numerous perks in which every fitness enthusiast is going to love.

To help you gain confidence in buying this treadmill, this article will cover the pros and cons that are associated with it in which several users have already testified.


High-Def TV –

You can get fit even when you’re watching TV. The Commercial 2950 Treadmill is now built with a 15” HDTV that remains sturdy even when you’re running. You can easily adjust the height and angle of the TV so that you won’t have a hard time watching on it.

Web Console –

Under the TV, there is a dual purpose 10” touchscreen. This touch screen displays the data of your workout and even allows you to browse the internet. Just like the TV, you can adjust this one as well.

Workout Variation –

The Commercial 2950 is sold with 40 workout apps already installed on it. These apps are designed by a personal trainer and the workouts included are divided into 4 categories: interval training, speed training, heart rate control and calorie burn. If you want, you can also customize your own workouts with the help of an iFit subscription. You can download multiple workouts using it as long as it is connected to the internet.

Incline/Decline –

If you want to intensify or add variation to your training then you can do it with the help of the incline/decline feature. You can tilt the track from -3% up to +15%. This feature will do well on boosting your metabolism not only while you’re at it but also for a long term.

High Speed –

This treadmill can provide a top speed of 12mph which surely makes it ideal for runners. You can adjust the speed with a single touch instead of scrolling through the options one by one.

Wireless Heart Rate Monitoring –

If you can monitor your heart rate during the exercise session then you can easily determine how much effort you can put in it. This treadmill has a Bluetooth wireless telemetry system with a chest strap. If you don’t like using the chest strap then you can also use the handlebars by squeezing your hands on it and let it monitor your pulse.

Space Saver Technology –

The deck of this treadmill can be easily stored in a vertical position to conserve the floor space in your house.


Assembly –

There are lots of components included in this product and assembling it may take a lot of time. The machine is also quite heavy which makes it difficult for some people to move it around their house.


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